The function display_help_icon() is deprecated, please do not use it anymore.
  • line 339 of /lib/completionlib.php: call to debugging()
  • line 869 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to completion_info->display_help_icon()
  • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
  • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()


Non ajax course edition using course_activity_clipboard is not supported anymore.
  • line 650 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
  • line 873 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->course_activity_clipboard()
  • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
  • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
    section_availability() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
    • line 629 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
    • line 581 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
    • line 886 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
    • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
    • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
    section_availability_message() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
    • line 606 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
    • line 633 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability_message()
    • line 581 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
    • line 886 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
    • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
    • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
    Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
    • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
    • line 583 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
    • line 886 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
    • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
    • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
  • Frequently Asked Questions and Answers


    Selamat datang di bagian FAQ RALN. Halaman FAQ terbuka untuk semua pengguna dengan harapan agar jawaban bagi sebagian besar pertanyaan dapat ditemukan di halaman ini. 

    Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan jawaban atas pertanyaan Anda atau memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi kami melalui 

    Perhatian: Halaman ini masih dalam perbaikan. Pertanyaan dan jawaban akan ditambahkan secara berkala dan semua konten akan diterjemahkan.

    course_section_cm_list is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\cmlist classes instead.
    • line 939 of /course/renderer.php: call to debugging()
    • line 887 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_section_cm_list()
    • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
    • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
    • Buka SemuaTutup Semua

    • Instructions: Clicking on the section name will show / hide the section.

      section_availability() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
      • line 629 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
      • line 537 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
      • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
      • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
      • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
      section_availability_message() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
      • line 606 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
      • line 633 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability_message()
      • line 537 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
      • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
      • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
      • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
      Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
      • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
      • line 598 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
      • line 567 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_summary_container()
      • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
      • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
      • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
      Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
      • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
      • line 602 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
      • line 567 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_summary_container()
      • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
      • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
      • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
    • The Rainforest Alliance Learning Network (RALN) adalah Sistem Manajemen Pembelajaran (LMS/Learning Management System) berbasis  platform Moodle yang banyak digunakan. Rainforest Alliance menggunakan RALN untuk memfasilitasi pembelajaran tentang Standar Pertanian Berkelanjutan dan banyak tema lain untuk berbagai kelompok target. Melalui RALN peserta pelatihan offline dan online serta kursus elektronik, dapat mendaftar di halaman kursus yang berbeda, memantau kemajuan belajar, menguji kompetensi mereka dan memberikan umpan balik kepada kami, yang memungkinkan peningkatan berkelanjutan dari sistem ini. :

      course_section_cm_list is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\cmlist classes instead.
      • line 939 of /course/renderer.php: call to debugging()
      • line 1112 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_section_cm_list()
      • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
      • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
        View only 'Topic 1'
      • section_availability() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
        • line 629 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
        • line 537 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
        • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
        • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
        • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
        section_availability_message() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
        • line 606 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
        • line 633 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability_message()
        • line 537 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
        • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
        • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
        • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
        Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
        • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
        • line 598 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
        • line 567 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_summary_container()
        • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
        • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
        • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
        Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
        • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
        • line 602 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
        • line 567 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_summary_container()
        • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
        • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
        • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()

        • Kunjungi 
        • Jika Anda memiliki akun RALN, silakan Masuk (akun Online UTZ Academy juga akan berfungsi di RALN). Jika Anda tidak dapat mengingat kata sandi, Anda dapat menyetel ulang kata sandi
        • Jika Anda belum memiliki akun RALN, silakanmendaftarkan akun baru. Anda akan menerima email yang menanggapi permintaan Anda, dan setelah beberapa saat akan ada email kedua dengan tautan di mana Anda dapat mengonfirmasi sendiri akun Anda. Harap tunggu sebentar dan oleh karena itu lakukan pendaftaran setidaknya 24 jam sebelum menggunakan akun untuk pelatihan Anda. 
        • Setelah mengonfirmasi akun Anda, masuk dan kemudian buka tautan yang diberikan kepada Anda dalam email undangan  pelatihan Anda. 
        • Gunakan kunci pendaftaran disertakan   dalam email yang sama, untuk mendaftar ke halaman pelatihan Anda. Kini halaman pelatihan Anda dapat ditemukan di “Ringkasan kursus saya” di halaman dasbor. 



        Kami mencoba menghindari pembuatan akun duplikat, sehingga kami dapat menyimpan riwayat pembelajaran setiap individu dengan baik dalam satu akun, bukan secara terpisah. Untuk melakukannya, kami memeriksa setiap permintaan akun pengguna baru dengan akun yang telah terdaftar demi menghindari duplikasi. Jika kami menemukan akun yang sudah terdaftar dan cocok dengan informasi permintaan akun baru, kami akan menghubungi pemohon melalui setiap/semua email yang terkait  dengan permintaan dan akun yang telah terdaftar tersebut, sehingga kami dapat menemukan solusi. 



        1.Masuk ke RALN 

        2. Klik nama Anda di pojok kanan atas halaman 

        3. Klik "profil" 

        4. Klik "edit profil" di halaman profil Anda 

        5. Ubah informasi yang ingin Anda ubah 

        6. Simpan perubahan Anda 


        Jika Anda lupa nama pengguna atau kata sandi, coba pulihkan di sini. Jika alamat email yang Anda gunakan untuk membuat akun yang Anda coba akses tidak lagi digunakan, harap hubungi agar kami dapat memperbarui kredensial Anda.


        course_section_cm_list is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\cmlist classes instead.
        • line 939 of /course/renderer.php: call to debugging()
        • line 1112 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_section_cm_list()
        • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
        • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
        course_section_cm_list_item is deprecated. Use renderer course_section_updated_cm_item instead
        • line 840 of /course/renderer.php: call to debugging()
        • line 971 of /course/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_section_cm_list_item()
        • line 1112 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_section_cm_list()
        • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
        • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
          View only 'Topic 2'
        • section_availability() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
          • line 629 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
          • line 537 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
          • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
          • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
          • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
          section_availability_message() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
          • line 606 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
          • line 633 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability_message()
          • line 537 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
          • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
          • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
          • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
          Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
          • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
          • line 598 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
          • line 567 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_summary_container()
          • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
          • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
          • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
          Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
          • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
          • line 602 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
          • line 567 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_summary_container()
          • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
          • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
          • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()


          The RALN hosts hundreds of pages for individual training events as well as E-courses. You can find these in the following places.

          • Your Dashboard is the landing page after logging in. Here, you can view the trainings and e-courses into which you are enrolled, and see the progress in each one of them. You can also view badges (digital recognitions awarded after completing certain learning milestones in the individual pages for trainings and e-courses) scrolling down on the dashboard. Please not that if you cannot find any courses directly listed under "my courses" on your dashboard page, that means that you are not (yet) enrolled into any training or e-course. 
          • You can browse through all and any active trainings and e-courses, which should also be accessible through the navigation box under "search courses". Most trainings are not open to all participants, but are "targeted" and available upon invitation only. Should you want to inquire about access to any targeted trainings, please contact the trainer directly if possible.
          • Open-access E-courses and E-pages are also listed separately for your convenience. Most of these also have "guest access", meaning they can also be followed without logging in or without an account.
          • For some target groups, learning plans are available via the dashboard page in a box to the right under "your program". Learning plans inform possible learning trajectories and might display trainings that are still being developed. Please contact the training coordinators listed for each region for more information.


          RALN menampung ratusan halaman untuk acara pelatihan individu serta kursus elektronik. Anda dapat menemukan acara pelatihan individu serta kursus elektronik ini di halaman berikut. 

          •  Dasbor Anda adalah halaman arahan setelah masuk. Di sini, Anda dapat melihat pelatihan dan kursus elektronik yang Anda ikuti, dan melihat kemajuan masing-masing pelatihan. Anda juga dapat melihat lencana (penghargaan digital yang diberikan setelah menyelesaikan pencapaian pembelajaran tertentu di halaman individu untuk pelatihan dan kursus elektronik) dengan menggulir ke bawah di halaman dasbor. Harap diingat, jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan kursus apa pun yang langsung terdaftar dalam "kursus saya" di halaman dasbor Anda, berarti Anda tidak (belum) terdaftar dalam pelatihan atau kursus elektronik apa pun.  
          • Anda dapat menelusuri semua dan setiap pelatihan dan kursus elektronik yang aktif yang juga dapat diakses melalui kotak navigasi dalam "cari kursus". Sebagian besar pelatihan tidak terbuka untuk semua peserta, tetapi "ditargetkan" dan hanya tersedia berdasarkan undangan. Jika Anda ingin menanyakan tentang akses ke pelatihan yang ditargetkan, silakan hubungi pelatih secara langsung jika memungkinkan. 
          • Untuk beberapa kelompok target, rencana pembelajaran disediakan melalui halaman dasbor dalam kotak di sebelah kanan bawah "program Anda". Rencana pembelajaran menginformasikan kemungkinan perjalanan belajar dan mungkin menampilkan pelatihan yang masih dikembangkan. Silakan hubungi koordinator pelatihan yang terdaftar di setiap wilayah untuk informasi lebih lanjut. 

          course_section_cm_list is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\cmlist classes instead.
          • line 939 of /course/renderer.php: call to debugging()
          • line 1112 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_section_cm_list()
          • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
          • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
            View only 'Topic 3'
          • section_availability() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
            • line 629 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
            • line 537 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
            • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
            • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
            • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
            section_availability_message() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
            • line 606 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
            • line 633 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability_message()
            • line 537 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
            • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
            • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
            • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
            Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
            • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
            • line 598 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
            • line 567 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_summary_container()
            • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
            • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
            • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
            Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
            • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
            • line 602 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
            • line 567 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_summary_container()
            • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
            • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
            • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()

            RALN adalah platform pembelajaran berbasis Moodle yang memantau kemajuan belajar Anda dengan cara yang berbeda dan di tempat yang berbeda. Agar kemajuan Anda dapat dipantau, penting untuk memiliki akun dan masuk.Anda juga dapat mengikuti beberapakursus elektronik dengan akses tamu tanpa akun atau masuk, tetapi kemajuan Anda tidak dapat dipantau. 

            •  Dasbor Anda adalah halaman arahan setelah masuk. Di sini, Anda dapat melihat pelatihan dan kursus elektronik yang Anda ikuti, dan melihat kemajuan masing-masing pelatihan. Anda juga dapat melihat lencana (penghargaan digital yang diberikan setelah menyelesaikan pencapaian pembelajaran tertentu di halaman individu untuk pelatihan dan kursus elektronik) dengan menggulir ke bawah di halaman dasbor. Harap diingat, jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan kursus apa pun yang langsung terdaftar dalam "kursus saya" di halaman dasbor Anda, berarti Anda tidak (belum) terdaftar dalam pelatihan atau kursus elektronik apa pun. Silakan lihat bagian yang difungsikan untuk mencari pelatihan dan kursus elektronik yang tersedia. 
            • Di halaman profil Anda, yang dapat diakses di sudut kanan atas halaman, Anda dapat memantau kursus, lencana, kompetensi, dan nilai rencana pembelajaran Anda. 
            • Pada setiap halaman kursus, Anda dapat memantau kemajuan Anda dengan kotak yang dicentang di sebelah setiap aktivitas dan kotak kemajuan di sebelah kanan. 


            Sertifikat dapat diberikan setelah penyelesaian pencapaian penting dalam perjalanan belajar, yang tersedia secara otomatis setelah selesainya aktivitas utama. Biasanya, sertifikat ini memerlukan penyelesaian tugas atau ujian di akhir pelatihan atau kursus elektronik. Sertifikat dapat ditemukan di halaman kursus individu dari pelatihan dan kursus elektronik. Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan sertifikat Anda, pertimbangkan hal berikut. 

            • Tidak semua pelatihan atau kursus elektronik memberikan sertifikat. Hal ini tergantung pada desain dan tujuan dari setiap pelatihan dan kursus elektronik. 
            • Anda mungkin belum mencapai akhir pelatihan atau kursus elektronik Anda, dan mungkin masih harus menyelesaikan tugas atau mengirimkan umpan balik, setelah itu sertifikat Anda akan tersedia. 
            • Mungkin saat ini sertifikat Anda masih disembunyikan dari peserta dan akan segera disediakan oleh pelatih. Jika Anda yakin Anda telah menyelesaikan pelatihan atau kursus elektronik Anda dan harus diberikan sertifikat, silakan hubungi pelatih atau 


            Jika Anda telah menyelesaikan semua aktivitas yang terlihat, dengan simbol "kotak centang" abu-abu pada penyelesaian aktivitas untuk semua aktivitas yang terlihat di halaman kursus, tetapi roda kemajuan (halaman kursus) atau bilah kemajuan (dasbor) Anda untuk pelatihan atau kursus elektronik tersebut masih di bawah 100%, bisa jadi beberapa aktivitas masih tersembunyi dari Anda. Pada waktunya, ini akan diperlihatkan oleh orang yang mengelola kursus (pelatih). Jika Anda yakin ada aktivitas tersembunyi yang seharusnya sudah terlihat oleh Anda, silakan hubungi pelatih dan

            course_section_cm_list is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\cmlist classes instead.
            • line 939 of /course/renderer.php: call to debugging()
            • line 1112 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_section_cm_list()
            • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
            • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
              View only 'Topic 4'
            • section_availability() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
              • line 629 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
              • line 537 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
              • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
              • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
              • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
              section_availability_message() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
              • line 606 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
              • line 633 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability_message()
              • line 537 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
              • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
              • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
              • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
              Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
              • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
              • line 598 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
              • line 567 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_summary_container()
              • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
              • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
              • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
              Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
              • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
              • line 602 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
              • line 567 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_summary_container()
              • line 1110 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
              • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
              • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()


              Di sudut kiri atas halaman, Anda dapat menemukan menu tarik turun (drop-down) untuk bahasa yang tersedia. Memilih bahasa di sana akan mengubah bahasa tombol, pemilih dan menu platform, kemudian, dalam beberapa kasus, bahasa konten halaman kursus juga akan berubah. Jika bahasa  konten kursus tidak berubah, berarti kursus tersebut belum diterjemahkan. 


              PERHATIKAN: Rainforest Alliance Learning Network adalah platform pembelajaran untuk kursus dan pelatihan elektronik. Meskipun   sertifikasi dan standar dapat dipelajari di platform ini, sebenarnya ini bukan tempat  untuk mendaftar dalam program sertifikasi. 

              Jika Anda ingin menemukan informasi lebih lanjut tentang sertifikasi, harap dibaca sumber informasi  berikut: 



              Untuk memberikan dampak yang mendunia, Rainforest Alliance mengandalkan  jaringan pelatih lokal yang mendukung petani dan organisasi dalam penerapan standar RA. Para pelatih ini unggul dari orang lain  karena pengetahuan mereka yang luas tentang standar sukarelawan (RA), praktik pertanian yang baik, pengalaman mereka dalam pelatihan dan pembinaan dan dorongan mereka guna memotivasi petani untuk mengelola kebun mereka dengan cara yang menghasilkan laba dan berkelanjutan   . 

              Apakah Anda ingin menjadi bagian dari jaringan pelatih? Silakan hubungi staf kami: 


              1. Burundi & Rwanda: - Valery Ndagijimana, - Email:, Michael Orangi, - Email: 
              2. Kamerun: - Yannick Mboba, - Email: 
              3. Ghana: -Joseph Yaw Mensah, - Email: 
              4. Pantai Gading: - Saturnin Kouakou, - Email: 
              5. Kenya & Tanzania: - Mark Muriithi, - Email: 
              6. Uganda: - Rashida Nakabuga, - Email: 
              7. Afrika Selatan & Malawi: - Marla Naidoo, - Email: 


              1. Indonesia – Eldo Soplantila, 

              Amerika Latin 

              1. Brasil: - Maiara Despontin - Email: 
              2. Kolombia dan Chili: - Ana Orjuela - Email: 
              3. Kosta Rika, Panama dan Belize: - Reiko Enomoto, - Email: 
              4. Guatemala: - Miguel Osorio, - Email: 
              5. Honduras & El Salvador: - Olvin Morales - Email: 
              6. Meksiko: - Irvin Hernandez, - Email: 
              7. Nikaragua & Republik Dominika: - Mario Barboza, Email: 
              8. Peru & Ekuador: - Guillermo Claverias Portocarrero - Email: 
              9. MultiTrace Amerika Latin: Miguel Gamboa, - Email: 

              course_section_cm_list is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\cmlist classes instead.
              • line 939 of /course/renderer.php: call to debugging()
              • line 1112 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_section_cm_list()
              • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
              • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
                View only 'Topic 5'
              • section_availability() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
                • line 629 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
                • line 750 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
                • line 1091 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_hidden()
                • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
                • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
                section_availability_message() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
                • line 606 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
                • line 633 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability_message()
                • line 750 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
                • line 1091 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_hidden()
                • line 218 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_multiple_section_page()
                • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()