Non ajax course edition using course_activity_clipboard is not supported anymore.
  • line 650 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
  • line 789 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->course_activity_clipboard()
  • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
  • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()

    Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /config/www/course/format/topcoll/renderer.php on line 476
    section_availability() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
    • line 629 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
    • line 581 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
    • line 793 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
    • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
    • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
    section_availability_message() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
    • line 606 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
    • line 633 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability_message()
    • line 581 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
    • line 793 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
    • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
    • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
    Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
    • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
    • line 583 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
    • line 793 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
    • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
    • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()


    Bem vinda à seções de perguntas da RALN A página de perguntas e respostas está aberta para todos os usuários, onde visamos responder a maioria das perguntas nessa página. 

    Se você não encontrar a resposta para sua pergunta ou se você tiver outras dúvidas, por favor nos contate através de 

    course_section_cm_list is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\cmlist classes instead.
    • line 939 of /course/renderer.php: call to debugging()
    • line 794 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_section_cm_list()
    • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
    • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
    get_nav_links() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content to render a course. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\sectionnavigation in your format plugin.
    • line 690 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
    • line 807 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->get_nav_links()
    • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
    • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()

      Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /config/www/course/format/topcoll/renderer.php on line 476
      section_availability() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
      • line 629 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
      • line 581 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
      • line 826 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
      • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
      • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
      section_availability_message() is deprecated. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section to render sections. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability in your format plugin.
      • line 606 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
      • line 633 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability_message()
      • line 581 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_availability()
      • line 826 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
      • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
      • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
      Method format_summary_text is deprecated, please usecore_courseformat\output\local\content\section\summary::format_summary_text instead
      • line 1120 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
      • line 583 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->format_summary_text()
      • line 826 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->section_header()
      • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
      • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
    • Outras preguntas



      No canto superior esquerdo da página, você pode encontrar um menu expansivo com os idiomas disponíveis. Selecionar um idioma lá alterará o idioma dos botões, seletores e menus da plataforma, e em alguns casos, também o conteúdo das páginas do curso. Se o conteúdo do curso não for alterado, significa que o curso ainda não foi traduzido.


      Nota: A Rede de Aprendizagem da Rainforest Alliance é uma plataforma de aprendizagem para treinamentos e cursos online. Embora seja possível aprender sobre a certificação e a norma na plataforma, ela não é direcionada para o registro no programa de certificação. 

      Se você quiser encontrar mais informações sobre certificação, por favor consulte as seguintes fontes: 



      Para atingir seu impacto global, a Rainforest Alliance depende de uma rede de treinadores locais que apoia produtores e organizações com a implementação da norma RA. Esses treinadores se diferenciam de outros devido ao seu amplo conhecimento de normas voluntárias (RA), boas práticas agrícolas, sua experiência em treinamentos e seu direcionamento à motivar produtores a gerenciar suas fazendas de forma mais lucrativa e sustentável. 

      Você quer ser parte de nossa rede de treinadores? Por favor contate nosso pessoal: 

        1. Burundi e Ruanda - Valery Ndagijimana, - Email:, Michael Orangi, - Email: 
        1. Camarões: - Yannick Mboba, - Email: 
        1. Gana: -Joseph Yaw Mensah, - Email: 
        1. Costa do Marfim: - Saturnin Kouakou, - Email: 
        1. Quênia & Tanzânia: - Mark Muriithi, - Email: 
        1. Uganda: - Rashida Nakabuga, - Email: 
        1. África do Sul e Malawi: - Marla Naidoo, - Email: 
          1. Indonésia – Eldo Soplantila, 
          América Latina 
            1. Brasil: - Maiara Despontin - Email: 
            1. Colômbia e Chile: - Ana Orjuela - Email: 
            1. Costa Rica, Panamá & Belize: - Reiko Enomoto, - Email: 
            1. Guatemala: - Miguel Osorio, - Email: 
            1. Honduras & El Salvador: - Olvin Morales - Email: 
            1. México: - Irvin Hernandez, - Email: 
            1. Nicarágua & Republica Dominicana: - Mario Barboza, Email: 
            1. Peru & Equador: - Guillermo Claverias Portocarrero - Email: 
            1. MultiTrace LatAm: Miguel Gamboa, - Email: 

            The function display_help_icon() is deprecated, please do not use it anymore.
            • line 339 of /lib/completionlib.php: call to debugging()
            • line 829 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to completion_info->display_help_icon()
            • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
            • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
            course_section_cm_list is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\cmlist classes instead.
            • line 939 of /course/renderer.php: call to debugging()
            • line 831 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_section_cm_list()
            • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
            • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
            section_nav_selection() can not be used anymore. Please use core_courseformat\output\local\content to render a course. If you need to modify this element, extend core_courseformat\output\local\content\sectionnavigation or core_courseformat\output\local\content\sectionselector in your format plugin.
            • line 833 of /course/format/classes/output/section_renderer.php: call to debugging()
            • line 841 of /course/format/topcoll/renderer.php: call to core_courseformat\output\section_renderer->section_nav_selection()
            • line 86 of /course/format/topcoll/format.php: call to format_topcoll_renderer->print_single_section_page()
            • line 276 of /course/view.php: call to require()
            progresso de aprendizagem e certificados